Wise for My Size
In our experience, parents' main concern is not knowing what to do or say when their child comes to them with a problem. Let's face it, they usually tell you as you tuck them up in bed. Then that's you up all night trying to Google the answer. It's not a nice feeling when you don't know what to say to help your child or how to help them.
This is the reason we created the Wise for My Size program. We want to make easy access to tools and techniques to be able to support children when they experience a challenge or difficulty.
The Wise for My Size program is packed with stories about everyday occurrences - not feeling able to tidy your bedroom or worrying about starting a new club. Or, they might use a metaphor to explain something like Aesop's fable or a fairy tale. Every story has a child at the heart of it, and that child solves their problems with a wise guide to help them.
These stories plant new ideas and ways of thinking that let your child take what they need from the story.
As a parent, we can support you in 3 ways
1. Join our Book Club and read our stories with your child
2. Find a Wise for My Size Group Near you
3. Work with one of our Certified Coaches, who will support you and your child.